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SE ESCUCHA Y SE DEJA DE ESCUCHAR EL SILENCIO ERA MÁS IMPRESIONANTE QUE LA MULTITUD Movimiento Colapso Private Property Reticence Stealth Murmur The Anger Outopia Pause The noise there the silence Facebook will tear us apart Public Image Rumors RUIDO (Noise) Schweigelager (Silent camp) Epidermis 2 (Score) Movements South of heaven Inside me Cynicism No illusion Shot Llorona (Crybaby) In Memoriam Glamour Tuesdays Dialogue Deprivation rehearsal Surrounded People behaving as real animals II Gang People behaving as real animals Commons Apoyo Mutuo No stage Punks contra el sistema Secrets of punk movement With boots on Nostalgia Combativa You can not win a nuclear war Re-exist Defeats Cutting edge technology Spend time, waste time Countercurrent Dislocation (series) Two espressos in two separate cups Concert by the dead for the living Piece in three movements to share with strangers or friends on a ride around the metropolis My life 26 Classics in 1
Cynicism 2016 VIDEO AND AUDIO
The eternal strategy of the mass media in Mexico. Video script for the First Lady.
Fade in. Facing camera, the First Lady is simply herself.
Cinismo from Israel Martínez on Vimeo.